Site Description and Ownership
The site is located at 7101 Huebner Road, Leon Valley, Bexar County,
Texas (see Map 1). Leon Valley is an incorporated town of San Antonio.
It is owned by Sundance Financial Inc. located at 2505 Congress St., Suite
220, San Diego, California. The site has a certified value of $243,400
and the current property use is “Vacant Lot”. There are no buildings
or units currently on the site. The legal description is CB 4446
Block 2 Lot 2 Weston Village. (Bexar 2003).
Natural Environment
The highest elevation in the study site is 870 ft. (265 m), the lowest
is 860ft. (262 m), with a relief of 10 ft. (3 m). The topographic
quadrangle maps used were Castle Hills, Culebra Hill, Helotes, and San
Antonio West for the state of Texas. (see Topographic Maps A-D).
The site was not visible on larger scale maps.
The stream that drains the site is Huebner Creek, stream segment 1907.
(TCEQ2 2003). It first enters Leon Creek then the San Antonio River
all within Bexar County. The San Antonio River enters the Gulf of
Mexico at San Antonio Bay giving a direct distance to the coast of approximately
270 miles (435 km.) (see Map 4). (TCEQ1 2003).
Visual Inspection
This site is 7.4480 acres with approximately 40 small slabs of concrete,
possibly an old mobile home community. There are no buildings, a
couple small remnants of old fencing, one large tree and multiple small
trees. There is one well, but it is unknown whether or not it is
septic. There are two large sink holes approximately 4 feet in diameter
with one having two pipes that empty into it. There are multiple
wires protruding out of the ground throughout the property next to the
concrete slabs. There is a small road that runs along each side of
the property (see Map 3). There is a drainage ditch and multi-family
housing currently being built that borders the northwest end of the site.
A school on the northeast end with a single-family housing subdivision
on the southeast. A shopping center including a car repair shop to
the west and a gas station on the southwest ends of the site. The
entire site is approximately 0.15 miles in length.
There is evidence of hazardous waste disposal of old oil filters and
discarded tires from the car repair shop. There is discarded building
material on the site from the new multi-family development, as well as,
various types of trash from people walking through the site. There
is an underground storage tank at the gas station which is located on the
corner of Bandera Rd. and Huebner Rd. (see Map 3). There are possible
underground storage tanks from the old mobile home community that used
to reside on the site. There is no evidence of contaminated soil
or contaminated water.
American Society for Testing and Materials. 2000. Standard
Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site
Assessment Process. Wst Conshohocken, PA: American Society for Testing
and Materials.
Bexar Appraisal District. 2003. Bexar Appraisal District Property Search. Bexar Appraisal District; available from Internet; accessed 25 April 2003.
City of San Antonio. 2002. City of San Antonio – GIS Mapping Application. COSA GIS; available from Internet; accessed 05 May 2003.
Environmental Assessment Association. 1992. Basic Guide for Environmental Inspection. Scottsdale, AZ: Environmental Assessment Association.
Marburg Associates and Parkin, William. 1992. Site Auditing: Environmental Assessment of Property. Vancouver, B.C., Canada: Specialty Technical Publishers, Inc.
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality1 (TCEQ1). 2003. Final Draft – 2000 Texas Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List. Austin, TX: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality while still referred to Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission; available from Internet; accessed 29 March 2003.
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality2 (TCEQ2). 2003.
Draft 2002 Water Quality Inventory. Texas Commission on Environmental
Quality while still referred to Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission;
Internet; accessed 29 March 2003.